Sunday, June 29, 2008

I went in for a trim.... and look what happened! Actually, I was ready to chop off my hair. I realized this week that I hadn't actually fixed my long hair in about a year, so it was time to get rid of it! After all, what's the point of having long hair if you just pull it back in a bun or ponytail every day?

I looked into donating my hair to Locks of Love, but you have to cut 8-10 inches and I only cut 6. My hairdresser used the razor blade on the ends, so it looked like we had killed an animal underneath my chair. I guess it looked like we had sheared an animal- that sounds better. If only I'd had my camera... sigh....

Anyway, I like it and I think it's going to be quite easy to fix in the mornings! That's the most exciting part! So leave a comment only if you like it. Remember- if you can't say something nice.... :)

PS. I took all of these pictures in my bathroom watching the screen of the camera in the mirror! Aren't you impressed? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I was really sad when I heard you say that you were going to cut your hair off because I am so jealous of your hair but I have to say that you look marvelous! I think this is a great look for you and I love the color. Did you have that done too? I can’t wait to see it in person. I think we are really going to look alike with our upgrades to ourselves this summer:)